Discover the Major Adventures difference
Value for money ….
Enjoy an experience crafted by the Major family who have been part of Underberg since 1956. Major Adventures are the only operator in the district who has never changed ownership. You get the passion, service and Sani Pass experience built by Charlie and Gardi Major.
What you will see
Sani Pass is a unique 4×4 bucket-list experience that is waiting for you to embrace. Take the opportunity before the roads are tarred, and discover the authentic route up to the top – with the breathtaking views. Thereafter, go beyond Sani Pass into far-off remote places. Lesotho Highlands awaits with beautiful scenery, where you can immerse yourself in Basotho culture.

Create Memories
With family experience of Sani Pass & Lesotho since 1956, we offer specialised tours, to create memories for you, to be treasured and never forgotten.
Your 4 x 4 Ride …..
We choose our vehicles for suitability & comfort on the Sani Pass & in Lesotho. They all have individual seats & are in excellent condition. Our vehicles are custom made for the job.

Featured Tours
Experiences to remember
A Remarkable Adventure with Major Adventures in Lesotho
Bikers from the US of A opt to tour Sani Pass in style
Winter International Tourists, rave about Sani Pass!
Latest Tours
Sani Pass Tag Along
Lesotho Highlands Tour
Sani Pass Private Tour
“You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!“
Dr Seuss

No battle scars on tyres after 10 trips up Sani Pass.
The dream of going on a thrilling adventure lives on well past childhood fantasies of overland duals and driving through uncharted territories. Outdoor and 4 by 4 enthusiasts often nurture these dreams long after the memories of wild frolics through the shrubbery have faded. For many, a tour to the top of the Sani Pass does not disappoint.

Tour guides celebrate after COVID lockdown
South African tour guides join Gardi Major after two years of lockdown and no business, to smile again with hope and joy.

Tycho Zandbergen and his mother Lidy make the most of Sani Pass and Lesotho
Ms Lidy Uiterwijk Winkel and her 7 year old son – Tycho Zandbergen, summited Sani Pass and travelled into Lesotho together. Lidy and Tycho are from the Netherlands.

Big smiles from Willem and Fieke from the Netherlands
Excitement sparkled in the eyes of Willem and Fieke who prepared themselves to buckle up for their “African massage” drive in our 4×4 Toyota Prado, and up the rocky roads and across flooded streams and up Sani Pass into Lesotho.
On their return in the afternoon, their hair was wild, but their eyes still sparkled with excitement. Enthusiastic handshakes and thanks, and they were away to continue their journey in South Africa.

Winter International Tourists, rave about Sani Pass!
These spirited tourists from Idaho, Utah, and Arizona (above) embarked on a journey up the intrepid Sani Pass and into Lesotho! Sunny faces and exclamations of appreciation bubbled in the group as they recalled their unique Autumn day-trip experience.

Poisoned Arrows or Flights of Fantasy?
“The San believe that rain is caused by an animal that flies across the sky, which when captured, is brought to the land requiring rain, it is then cut so that its blood can “rain” over the land. Kaggen, the mantis, it is said threw up into the air the moon which was his shoe. He also had a pet eland, his wife was a dassie (rock rabbit) and an adopted daughter was a porcupine” (it was believed that the stars were shining porcupines dotted in the sky).