Discover the Major Adventures difference
Value for money ….
Enjoy an experience crafted by the Major family who have been part of Underberg since 1956. Major Adventures are the only operator in the district who has never changed ownership. You get the passion, service and Sani Pass experience built by Charlie and Gardi Major.
What you will see
Sani Pass is a unique 4×4 bucket-list experience that is waiting for you to embrace. Take the opportunity before the roads are tarred, and discover the authentic route up to the top – with the breathtaking views. Thereafter, go beyond Sani Pass into far-off remote places. Lesotho Highlands awaits with beautiful scenery, where you can immerse yourself in Basotho culture.

Create Memories
With family experience of Sani Pass & Lesotho since 1956, we offer specialised tours, to create memories for you, to be treasured and never forgotten.
Your 4 x 4 Ride …..
We choose our vehicles for suitability & comfort on the Sani Pass & in Lesotho. They all have individual seats & are in excellent condition. Our vehicles are custom made for the job.

Featured Tours
Sani Pass Day Tour
Sani Pass Extended Tour
Sani Pass Private Tour
Experiences to remember
A Remarkable Adventure with Major Adventures in Lesotho
Bikers from the US of A opt to tour Sani Pass in style
Winter International Tourists, rave about Sani Pass!
Latest Tours
Sani Pass Tag Along
Lesotho Highlands Tour
Sani Pass Private Tour
“You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!“
Dr Seuss

Ultra-Trail Drakensberg
The calling of this Ultra-Trail®️ Drakensberg to the super humans of this world was a sight to behold. Nerves busting and anxiety levels flipping, participants experienced the awkward terrain of the Southern Drakensberg on foot, some running round the clock for 43 hours! We are proud of each and every runner that started this race. Congratulations too all.

The Dutch and their Spirit of Adventure
You can feel the energy and spirit of adventure when you speak to Gerrit and Margriet. They are from Holland and have been touring South Africa. Just look at the photos and you can see that this couple love life and adventure.

Niels from the Netherlands given a private tour with our guide – Allen
Niels from the Netherlands given a private tour with our guide – Allen

The Bearded Vulture, commonly known as the Lammergeier
lammergeier, (German: “lamb vulture”) (Gypaetus barbatus), lammergeier also spelled lammergeyer or lammergeir, also called bearded vulture
The Bearded Vulture, commonly known as the Lammergeier, is a resident of the Drakensberg region of South Africa. It is an endangered species and the largest of the African vultures – easily distinguishable by its black feathers and distinctive yellow head.

Such friendly visitors from Holland
An excited couple from Holland didn’t hesitate to jump on board our 10 seater land cruiser, in preparation for the trip up Sani Pass – where a fascinating 2 hour drive on the winding gravel road lay ahead of them.

Sani Pass Birthday Celebration
Freezing fun was had by all when Sonya invited her friends to celebrate her birthday with her – in Hollywood style – with a trip up Sani Pass with Major Adventures. Everyone came in theme with their own special costumes.